Roman Reigns in remission

The big news coming out of Monday night's Raw show was of course Roman Reigns making the announcement that his leukemia is back in remission. This of course is great news for Roman, his family and basically everyone. I just want to take a moment to address the, in my opinion, horrible "conspiracy theories" about his leukemia diagnosis.

There are people out there who have floated out the idea that this whole thing was a work. That the announcement of Roman's leukemia was a plan by Vince McMahon to get Roman over with the audience who has rejected him for so long. I personally feel like that is ridiculous. While the WWE has done it's fair share of shady marketing tactics in the past (using their participation in charitable causes as a way to promote their brand), this would be several steps further than I could see them going. As for the idea that the WWE announced ahead of time that Reigns would be on Raw to spike ratings, that's not out of the realm of possibility I suppose. However, I kind of doubt that was the why they did. While I'm sure that they didn't mind the publicity, I feel like one thing we have to consider is Roman's reasoning for wanting to make the announcement. He very well could have told the WWE that he would like to promote ahead of time that he would be making an announcement on Raw because it is important to him that as many fans as possible see it live. We simply have no idea what went on behind the scenes and it would be irresponsible to blindly speculate.

Many people have questioned how it is possible for him to be in remission and ready to return in such a short amount of time. As described by @LeukaemiaCareUK in a twitter thread (go ahead and click the link to go to their page to see the thread that is currently stickied at the top of their feed) , we have no idea the type of leukemia that Roman is dealing with. He never specified, nor does he have to. Something that people don't realize is that there are several types of leukemia. Without knowing the details of the type it is impossible to speculate on his specific situation. Just like with just about anything, recovery time can largely depend on a variety of factors such as age and the the type of physical condition that the person is in. At this time we also don't know the timetable for his in ring return. Some have theorized that he will be back in the ring immediately, but it is very possible that he is still a ways off from that.

In conclusion, the conspiracy theories about Roman Reign's leukemia diagnosis are, in my opinion, completely baseless. If you have an opinion about this, either in agreement or disagreement, feel free to either leave a comment or tweet me @DevManeuver. Until next time, thanks for reading.


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